In the Lot - Adult  

Monica Oakes currently resides in State College, PA and earned both her Bachelor’s in Quantitative Business Analysis and her Master’s in Information Science from Penn State University.

Love, Lies and Fight co-authored with Terri D is her first novel and she founded Julie Bellatrix LLC to inspire people through her writing to process trauma. She is currently working on her next book which will also include tips for dealing with the stress of everyday life.  

I've had a number of careers in my life: reporter and editor, crisis communications consultant, private detective, insurance fraud investigator. Ten years ago I decided to devote myself to writing. At first it was short stories and I had a number of them published in literary magazines. I also published a collection, Lynerkim's Dance and Other Stories, which is also available on Amazon. The Secret History is my first novel and grew out of my fascination with Mexico, particularly Baja, and an eagerness to look beneath the surface of the intelligence apparatus (the Dark State, if you will.)

HILARY HAUCK is an Amazon bestselling author, recipient of the Historical Fiction Company “Highly Recommended” award of excellence, and a 2023 nominee for the WCoNA Book of the Year. She writes historical fiction and fantasy for adults and tweens. Her short stories have been featured in Like Sunshine After Rain and the Mindful Writers Retreat Series. Raised in the UK, Hilary later moved to Italy where she mastered the language, learned how to cook food she can no longer eat, and won a national karate championship. She now lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and a cat with a penchant for laundry. 

Janeen Ippolito believes that stories change the world. She’s the award-winning author of over 20 books, including bestselling fiction, author resources, and poetry. For seven years she was the CEO of an award-winning small press. Janeen is also an experienced editor, coach, and marketing strategist at Author Elevate, where she equips  authors for sustainable success. She hosts the Author Elevate YouTube Channel and is an in-demand conference speaker and teacher. In her spare time, she helps her husband with his youth swordfighting ministry, mood reads, binges her favorite fandoms, and plays ukulele. She loves to collaborate and encourage, so connect with her on social media or at jiauthor[dot]com. 

Michel Lee Garrett is an author, poet, and recovering journalist. She has investigated courthouse corruption as a small-town reporter, directed communications for a U.S. Senate campaign, and played in a handful of mediocre punk bands. A queer and transgender author, she is the editor of "BURNING DOWN THE HOUSE: Crime Fiction Incited by the Songs of the Talking Heads," available from Shotgun Honey on Earth Day 2024, and her work has appeared from Flame Tree Press, Down & Out Books, Mystery Tribune, and others. She lives in State College, PA with her wife and two children. 

Liz Larson is a novelist, physicist, and educator with Pennsylvanian roots—and she’s not at all surprised if it's the first time you've heard that combination! Liz is the author of Fireflies and Zeroes, a music-infused mystery set in her current home of Charlottesville, Virginia, where she is pursuing a PhD in physics at the University of Virginia. When not working on her studies, she can be found writing, listening to and making music, and investing far too much emotional energy into Penn State football. 

Danielle Lydic is the author of the new book, Fatal Conception. She is an avid reader and has decided to shift her focus to writing. Her unique story is bursting onto the scene. She lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and two children. 

I write what I enjoy. I write about zombies, I write about supernatural, and I write about wizards and witches, darkness and light. 

Most of my professional writing so far can be heard in promotional material for a Statewide Television network. I have been in Broadcasting for over 25 years. In that time I have been exposed to the worst and best of humanity. Corruption, betrayal, murder, and theft contrasted by the acts of pure heroism and humanity. My experience has helped shape my writing.

LeeAnn Tripp is a Pittsburgh native and married mother of two. In 2014, she was diagnosed with a rare diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, a vicious brain tumor located in the brain stem. After successfully completing thirty-six rounds of radiation treatment, her prognosis has extended to nine plus years. She continues to enjoy good health, fueled by creative work, passionate living, regular jogs, strong faith, and the love of her friends and family. She resides in Central Pennsylvania. While she has previously published articles in academic journals, this is her first published book. 

Mary Walsh is a celebrated author with a rich tapestry of literary achievements. With 15 books spanning diverse genres like urban fantasy, romance, and historical fiction, Mary's storytelling prowess has captivated readers worldwide. Renowned as a keynote speaker, she has graced esteemed venues such as The Round Table Club in New Orleans, several chapters of Sons of Italy, and Bloomsburg University. Connect with Mary on her website,, or follow her on Instagram and Facebook @marywalshwrites.